If you're a business traveler, the chances are high that you experience travel anxiety every time you have to hit the road for a business trip. This anxiety can stem from many things, including worrying about whether you've packed everything you need or feeling like you might have forgotten to take care of a crucial detail before you left. However, there are several ways that you can battle travel anxiety, making sure that it doesn't hinder your ability to get your work done on the road. The first thing that you can do is to call in the troops. Utilize your business partners, including those in your department or chain of command, to help you plan the trip. Create a detailed checklist of everything that needs to happen before you leave and have each person in the meeting initial the list to confirm that it's been taken care of. Take the list with you and consult it frequently, so you're always aware of what needs to happen. Secondly, consider creating a separate checklist for all your personal travel needs. Make a list of things you need for your flight and maintain and update this list from trip to trip. By checking each need off as you take care of it, you'll be able to relax and not worry that you've forgotten anything. Furthermore, consider what you really need. Most things can be purchased at your destination if you happen to forget them, so remind yourself that even if you forgot something, it's not the end of the world. Lastly, avoid worrying about the “what ifs”. The likelihood of a worst-case scenario occurring is minimal. Use logic and remind yourself that it hasn't happened before, so why worry about it happening now. It's natural to feel anxious about travel, but by implementing some simple techniques, you can battle your travel anxiety effectively. So, make sure you put RELAX on your checklist, so you can take a deep breath and enjoy your travels. Safe travels!